Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School

Post all discussion and observations for 8/29 here.


  1. First thing that I found interesting in this chapter was about Refer to a Committee. If a motion to refer is made while no business is pending it is an incidental main motion if the referral is a subject the assembly has already taken action on it. It is an original main motion if the referral is a new subject. I also found the Reconsideration of a vote taken under a pervious question interesting, but a little confusing. From what I understood, a member wishing to reconsider their vote on a motion effected by the previous question may do so without discussion on the reconsider only before the previous question was exhausted. But I am still confused on reconsidering the actual previous question instead of the motion(s) effected by it because if you are reconsidering the previous question, the motion(s) effected by it have already been voted on...?

  2. Could someone explain to me what exactly consideration by paragraph or seriatum is? Also can you postpone an amendment? When you use previous question does it just apply to the parricular motion?

  3. consideration by paragraph or seriatim is basically the motion to break up a resolution into smaller parts. so a resolution consisting of many paragraphs, if it is moved to consider by paragraph, would be debated, amended, and passed separately. does that make sense Laura?

    After reading the first section of Postpone Definitely, I had a question. Even though we had discussed this question, I still want to post it to he blog. My question was if you postpone a motion to the next regularly scheduled meeting, and you fix an adjourned meeting, is the postponed motion still to be discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting or the adjourned meeting? From the discussion during class, we believe the answer is no because an adjourned meeting is technically a continuation of the current meeting. So if you were to postpone the a motion to the next regularly scheduled meeting, that means the motion would have been taken care of for the meeting and there is no need to bring it up in the "continued" meeting.

    The second section about referring to a committee, my favorite part of the section was the clarification of Refer when made by itself outside of a main motion. I was surprised to read that the motion to Refer an already passed motion is actually a form of the motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted. In contrary, Referring a matter that has not already been adopted but is going to come up in the order of business is considered the Incidental Main Motion of Refer.

  4. Post from Ali:

    Why would you refer a matter to a committee and make it a main motion? What purpose does that serve?
    And I didn't know if it was made in the simple form, if I can just put it to a vote seeing as no one seeks the floor.
    And it says postpone def can be applied to amendments.
